Monthly Archives: November 2018

“Common Cause, North Carolina Democratic Party, Individual Voters Sue in North Carolina State Court Over Partisan Gerrymandering of North Carolina General Assembly”

Release: Today, Common Cause, the North Carolina Democratic Party, and a group of individual North Carolina voters are suing the state of North Carolina over the partisan gerrymandering of legislative maps for both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly.… Continue reading

Breaking: Federal Court, Citing Evidence of Vulnerabilities of Georgia Voter Registration Database, Issues TRO Giving Some Voters Casting Provisional Ballots Chance to Have Vote Counted Before Kemp-Abrams Race Results Certified

You can find the 56 page opinion in Common Cause v. Kemp at this link. From the order: Plaintiff Common Cause Georgia filed this action against the Georgia Secretary of State1 seeking emergency injunctive relief to ensure that provisional ballots… Continue reading