“Ranked-Choice Voting is MAGA’s Latest Target; Leonard Leo and other far-right power players are attacking a bipartisan election reform.”

Brendan Fischer writes for Documented (here’s the version at Rolling Stone): An organized and well-funded network of right-wing groups is spending countless millions attacking a bipartisan election reform that could threaten the MAGA political project. Ranked-choice voting — which… Continue reading

In Trump Immunity Case at SCOTUS, Alabama and 21 States Ask for Stay Because of “Speculation,” “True or Not” That Trump Election Subversion Prosecution “was Calculated to Silence or Imprison President Biden’s Political Rival”

Shameless: The sudden urgency has invited public speculation that this case has an improper purpose—to influence the 2024 election. Amici States represent millions of Americans, many of whom worry that the timing of this prosecution was calculated to silence or… Continue reading