Monthly Archives: September 2019
“The FEC Is Paralyzed. It Couldn’t Come At A Worse Time.”
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy for TPM Cafe.
“Instead of ‘No Collusion!’ Trump Now Seems to Be Saying, So What if I Did?”
Peter Baker news analysis in the NYT.
Michigan: “Southfield City Clerk charged with 6 election law felonies”
Detroit Free Press reports. Although the story is a bit vague, it sounds like the clerk may have falsified absentee ballot submissions so that her numbers would properly balance in a post-election audit.
“Thomas Hofeller and GOP strategists experimented with using race as the primary factor in drawing districts in Alabama, Florida, and West Virginia.”
More revelations from David Daley.
Sean Spicer: Vote Early and Often (for Dancing with the Stars)
Thank you. Please vote tonight between 8-10pm. Text SEAN 10 times to 21523 and then vote 10 more on— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) September 23, 2019
(h/t Jessica Huseman)
Common Cause: “DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Others for Illegal Solicitation of Contribution from Ukrainian President”
“As Trump Confirms He Discussed Biden With Ukraine, Pressure to Impeach Builds”
President Trump acknowledged on Sunday that he raised corruption accusations against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. during a phone call with Ukraine’s leader, a stunning admission as pressure mounted on Democrats to impeach Mr. Trump over allegations… Continue reading
“Massive ‘I Love America’ Facebook page, pushing pro-Trump propaganda, is run by Ukrainians”
Judd Legum:
The “I Love America” Facebook page boasts 1.1 million fans, with viral content that reaches more Facebook users than some of the largest media outlets in the United States. A typical post is a celebration of the… Continue reading
“Was the Democratic Nomination Rigged? A Reexamination of the Clinton-Sanders Presidential Race”
Tony Gaughan has posted this draft on SSRN (forthcoming, University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy). Here is the abstract:
This article examines one of the lingering controversies of the 2016 presidential race: whether the Democratic Party’s leaders… Continue reading
“Trump’s Ukraine Gambit Could Be Another Campaign Finance Crime; Unfortunately, Robert Mueller may have given the president the green light to solicit foreign interference again”
I have written this piece for Slate. It begins:
President Donald Trump may well have committed a new campaign finance crime if he, as reported, pressured Ukraine into providing dirt on a political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, and… Continue reading
“Gov. Gavin Newsom to decide whether American Independent Party must change name”
SF Chronicle:
If the state Legislature has its way, the 52-year-old American Independent Party is going to need to find a new name, and it’s going to need to do it in a hurry.
A bill on Gov. Gavin… Continue reading
“Koch-Linked Nonprofit Must Disclose Donors, Settlement Mandates”
A nonprofit linked to the conservative Koch organization that spent more than $20 million to elect Republican congressional candidates must disclose its donors, according to a settlement with the Federal Election Commission.The now-defunct Americans for Job Security (AJS), said … Continue reading
“A ‘No-Confidence’ Vote on Presidential Candidates”
Politico is running a piece called “99 Ways to Fix American Elections,” with brief suggestions from 99 commentators. One of the most original and intriguing comes from Elaine Kamarck, of the Brookings Institution:
In our constitutional system, presidents don’t govern… Continue reading