Today’s Supreme Court Order Upholding the North Carolina Supreme Court’s Ungerrymandering of the State’s Congressional Districts, Could Well Be Temporary and Points to Big, Bad Election Law Precedent Potentially Coming Down the Line

Rick Pildes already flagged today’s Supreme Court order in the North Carolina partisan gerrymandering case. And I agree with his bottom line conclusion that the Court is almost certain to take this case, when it comes up in the regular… Continue reading

Analysis: In 2020 Pre-Election Litigation (Before Trump Tried to Overturn Election), Democratic and Voting Rights Organizations Ultimately Lost Election Law Cases “By a Ratio of More than 7 to 1”

Even as someone who follows this litigation closely, I was astounded by this detailed analysis passed along by a knowledgeable reader: There is no question that the 2020 election gave rise to more litigation than any election in modern history. … Continue reading

“Pamela Moses, a Black woman, has been sentenced to six years in prison because of a voting error. Meanwhile, white individuals who are known to have committed blatant voter fraud have only received probation.”

Watch Janai Nelson discuss this case on Maddow. Sam Levine: Over the last few months, I’ve been following the case of Pamela Moses, a 44-year-old activist in Memphis who was convicted in November for trying to register to vote… Continue reading