Supreme Court Publishing Snafu Leads to Early Publication of Draft in Idaho Abortion Case Ending the Stay and Dismissing Case as Improvidently Granted; Some Thoughts on Justice Barrett’s Draft Concurrence

Unlike the Dobbs leak, this seems inadvertent. Bloomberg scoop: The US Supreme Court is poised to allow abortions in medical emergencies in Idaho, according to a copy of the opinion that was briefly posted on the court’s website. The… Continue reading

Supreme Court on 6-3 Vote Splitting Conservative and Liberal Justices Makes It Easy to Give Gifts to State and Local Officials to Thank Them for Their Official Acts; Conservative Majority Relies on Legislative History in Part

I’ve been following Snyder v. United States closely, not only because I am interested in bribery and illegal gratuities law but also because I based my Legislation course final exam on the case. To me, it presents a fascinating and… Continue reading