Monthly Archives: May 2019

Don Palmer, Now on the EAC, Assisted Christian Adams and PILF with “Alien Invasion” Report, Currently the Subject of Defamation/Voter Intimidation Suit

Tierney Sneed from TPM: Before he was named by President Trump to the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission, Donald Palmer, a former GOP-appointed secretary of the Virginia State Board of Elections, assisted in the creation of sensational voter fraud reports that Continue reading

In Important Step and In Rare Bipartisan Fashion, Federal Election Commission Unanimously Approves Measure to Provide Free or Reduced-Cost Cybersecurity Protection for American Campaigns [Subject to Disclosure of, and Limits on Sources of Funding for Effort (That Part’s Not Unanimous)]

This is very good news. You can find the advisory opinion here. It is unanimous, except the Republican commissioners would not have imposed the disclosure requirements or source limitations. From Chair Weintraub’s letter: Under the unusual and exigent circumstances… Continue reading