Tag Archives: proof of citizenship

“Top Wisconsin lawmaker has new plan to find non-citizens on voter rolls”

Sigh.  The new plan is an old plan: compare DMV information to the rolls, but without any apparent plan to ensure the rigor of the matching protocol or to assess whether people who were noncitizens when they got their license have since become naturalized. 

If implemented without the right safeguards, bet on the effort capturing eligible citizens.

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“Millions of Americans Don’t Have Documents Proving Their Citizenship Readily Available”

The Brennan Center, VoteRiders, U. Maryland’s Center for Civic Democracy and Engagement, and Public Wise are out today with an update on the 2006 study of citizens without ready access to documentation of that citizenship.  Turns out we don’t all emerge from the womb with paperwork.

NPR has more.

(Disclosure: I helped with the 2006 version, and I’m delighted to see more up-to-date research.)

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