Democratic, Republican fundraising for election litigation tops $121 million in 18 months, beats entire 2020 presidential election cycle

I’ve chronicled the recent, astonishing increase in spending on election litigation. Sine 2015, election donors may contribute to “election recounts and contests and other legal proceedings,” above and beyond individual candidate campaign contribution limits. The total from the first 18… Continue reading

Federal District Court Holds “Speech or Debate Clause” Immunity Only Protects Lindsay Graham from Certain Questions Before Georgia Grand Jury Investigating Trump Attempt to Interfere with 2020 Election Count

From the Order: This case comes before the Court on Senator Lindsey Graham’s Supplemental Motion to Quash [40]. After due consideration, the Court again declines to quash the subpoena in its entirety. As to the issue of partial quashal,… Continue reading

“Conservative Lawyer a Likely Target in Atlanta Trump Investigation, His Lawyer Says; John Eastman, who developed strategies to block certification of the 2020 election, appeared before a grand jury in Atlanta on Wednesday.”

NYT: John Eastman, the lawyer who developed strategies to block certification of the 2020 election, is “probably a target” in the criminal investigation into efforts to overturn Donald J. Trump’s election loss in Georgia, one of Mr. Eastman’s lawyers said… Continue reading