On Nov. 29, the same day Krames sent out the updated list, he also sent an email to Wiggins, a state G.O.P. staffer, to keep him updated on the covert public relations campaign to push the maps they supported.
“Andrew, for your reference here are the goals we have set for this portion of the campaign,” he wrote.
The goals included distributing “all comment in support of proposed maps” by Dec. 5, 2011 and making a minimum of 100 emails, and 50 phone calls to lawmakers and the creation of 10 YouTube videos, according to emails.
Months before the push to support the already-submitted maps, Jones, the leader of the Alachua County G.O.P., drew up talking points and “roles” people were to play at a July 2011 redistricting public hearing held in Gainesville.
As they prepared to redraw the state political lines, lawmakers on redistricting committees held 26 public hearings across the state to seek input on how the lines should change. They used the meetings to tout the 2012 redistricting process as the most transparent in state history.
The day of the July 13 hearing, Jones sent him a set of talking points that indicated he was supposed to play the role of someone confused by Fair District amendments.
“Dick, why do I have to be the confused guy?” Patton jokingly responded in July 2011.