Monthly Archives: October 2022

“Democrats locked in close contests with election deniers for key secretary of state posts; The party is vastly outspending Republicans in the races but is fighting a tough political climate as well as voter disinterest.”

Zach Montellaro for Politico: Secretaries of state have never gotten more attention than now. Yet Steve Simon is still introducing himself to the voters who elected him four years ago in Minnesota.It’s emblematic of a broader challenge for Democrats trying… Continue reading

“Their America Is Vanishing. Like Trump, They Insist They Were Cheated; The white majority is fading, the economy is changing and there’s a pervasive sense of loss in districts where Republicans fought the outcome of the 2020 election.”

NYT: To understand the social forces converging in that historic vote — objecting to the Electoral College count — The Times examined the constituencies of the lawmakers who joined the effort, analyzing census and other data from congressional districts and… Continue reading