Category Archives: fraudulent fraud squad

In Georgia Poll of Republican Primary Voters, Trump “Big Lie” Endorser Jody Hice Has Nearly 2:1 Lead Over Georgia SOS Brad Raffesperger, Who Stood Up to Trump’s Attempt to Overturn 2020 Election Results; Dangers of Election Subversion Ahead

Landmark poll: Victories for Big Lie proponents would be very dangerous for democracy, for reasons I describe in my recent article in the Harvard Law Review Forum: Elections are already administered in many places by partisan actors who… Continue reading

“CNN Exclusive: ‘We need ammo. We need fraud examples. We need it this weekend.’ What the Meadows texts reveal about how two Trump congressional allies lobbied the White House to overturn the election.”

CNN: In the weeks between the 2020 election and the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, almost 100 text messages from two staunch GOP allies of then-President Donald Trump reveal an aggressive attempt to lobby, encourage… Continue reading

“New Brennan Center analyses: Sponsors of anti-voter bills and their election denialism; failed Trump campaign lawsuits and related anti-voter bills”

Release: Today the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law published a pair of analyses tracing post-2020 paths of the misinformation and conspiracy theories spread by the former president and his allies about voting and the 2020 election.One analysis looks… Continue reading