Category Archives: absentee ballots

Breaking and Analysis: Wisconsin Supreme Court, on 4-3 Vote, Rejects Hearing Trump’s Election Challenge and Directs Him Back to Trial Court; 2 Dissenting Justices Suggest Disenfranchising Voters Not a Proper Remedy in Any Case

You can find the Court’s order, a concurring opinion, and two dissenting opinions, at this link. The court’s three liberals were joined by conservative Justice Hagedorn in holding that the exclusive remedy for an election contest is to start in… Continue reading

Persily and Stewart NYT Oped: “Trump Is Wrong. There’s No Evidence of Election Fraud in Philadelphia. The Claim Itself Is Fraudulent”

Must-read: Joe Biden’s lead in the presidential election results in Pennsylvania has now surpassed 81,000 votes, far exceeding Donald Trump’s 44,000-vote victory margin there four years ago. Yet the Trump campaign continues to claim in court huge but incalculable levels… Continue reading

Plaintiffs in Texas Voting Case File 5th Circuit Motion for an Emergency Injunction, Asking (for Now) Only for a Ban on the Practice on Election Day [Updated with 5th Circuit Denial But 9 of 10 Drive Thru Locations Closed]

Read the brief, asking for relief tonight, before Election Day, but limited: “Plaintiffs respectfully requests that this Court reverse the order below which found a lack of standing by Plaintiffs to challenge drive-thru voting on Election Day, and to… Continue reading

District Court Written Ruling in Texas Drive-Thru Case Now Available as Plaintiffs Appeal to Fifth Circuit; Court Leaves Door Slightly Open to Another Court Throwing Out Drive-Thru Ballots Cast *on* Election Day

You can find the order in two parts. The reasoning was primarily about lack of standing and laches in bringing suit, something I anticipated would play a great role in this case: defendants knew this voting was going on… Continue reading