Category Archives: NVRA (motor voter)

Breaking: In Major Decision Rejecting Kris Kobach’s Claims of Massive Voter Fraud, Tenth Circuit Unanimously Holds Kansas’s Documentary Proof of Citizenship Requirement to Register to Vote Violates Constitution and Federal Law

In a major ruling, a 10th Circuit panel (consisting of 2 judges, as a third judge on the panel had passed away), a Tenth Circuit panel has held that a Kansas anti-voting law championed by former Secretary of State Kris… Continue reading

Unanimous 11th Circuit Panel Affirms District Court Ruling Upholding Broward County, FL’s List Maintenance Rules Against NVRA Challenge Brought by ACRU

Opinion in Bellitto v. American Civil Rights Union: The National Voter Registration Act requires state election officials to make a reasonable effort to remove certain ineligible registrants from the voter rolls. The American Civil Rights Union (“ACRU”) claims that… Continue reading