Tag Archives: Supreme Court Reform

“How the Current Supreme Court Would Look Under Biden’s Term-Limit Plan”


President Biden proposed major changes to the Supreme Court on Monday, including 18-year term limits for justices and a binding code of conduct.

The Supreme Court now includes six conservative justices and three liberal ones. Three justices, all conservatives, have served longer than 18 years: Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas.

Under Mr. Biden’s plan, presidents would appoint a new Supreme Court justice every two years. His statement announcing the proposal did not address how and when current justices’ terms would end if his proposal were to be adopted.

If the rule had already been in effect and term limits had allowed the president to choose a justice every two years during the past two decades, the court’s ideological split would be flipped. Assuming each justice had served the full 18-year term, six justices would have been appointed by Democratic presidents, and three by Republicans.

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“Biden Calls for Changes to Supreme Court”


President Biden said on Monday he was pushing for legislation that would bring major changes to the Supreme Court, including imposing term limits and creating an enforceable code of ethics on the justices.

In an opinion essay in The Washington Post, Mr. Biden also said that the court’s decision to grant broad immunity to presidents for crimes they commit in office was an example of “dangerous and extreme” decision-making that had put the American people at risk. He added that a number ethical concerns posed a threat to the integrity of the court.

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