Tag Archives: ethics reforms

“Lawyers Risk Their Law Licenses Helping Smarmy Politicians”

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy writes, in the Washington Monthly, about the hard lessons currently being learned by the lawyers who peddled the Big Lie in court. More than just an update on the sanctions that have already been dispensed, Torres-Spelliscy reminds us of the Nixon era precedents and the resulting state and ABA reforms.

“Like lemmings falling off a cliff, Trump’s lawyers committed many of the same ethical lapses as Nixon’s lawyers. Now, they are finding out just as the Nixon lawyers did that sanctions and suspended law licenses may be the price for awful behavior. Rudy might be the first to lose his ability to practice law, but he’s unlikely to be the last. This isn’t a partisan matter for the state bars: It’s a matter of maintaining the public’s respect for lawyers and their veracity.”

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