A New York court has ordered New York’s redistricting commission to reconvene and pass new state assembly maps for legislative consideration by April 28, 2023.
Tag Archives: 2022 redistricting
“House Democrats scramble after redistricting lessens competitive edge”
Court rulings in Florida and New York have Democrats working harder to keep their seats. The article offers a round up of the likely political effect of the new maps. Two tidbits stand out:
First, “Redistricting . . . has eliminated 18 competitive seats according to a Washington Post analysis, making it less likely that either party can have more of an edge in future races.”
Second, Jonathan Cervas, the special master who drew New York’s maps, seems to have de-prioritized incumbency protection. Recognizing there are arguments on both sides, I do want to say that may make life worse for the party, but it could be good for the public’s faith in democracy.
2022 Redistricting Likely to Undercut Strides Made by Women in Recent Elections
The AP reports on new analysis from the Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers University which looks at the likely negative impact of new congressional maps on female incumbents. It appears that being the last to the table and hence the most junior incumbent is what is driving the dynamic.
“[I]n states with new district boundaries, the Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers University found more than a dozen women so far who are running in significantly tougher territory. That’s more than double the number who are in districts that will be significantly easier to win after redistricting, the analysis found as of this month.”
“Ultimately, the new maps will be a factor in whether women maintain or grow their numbers in the next Congress to more accurately reflect the makeup of the country, a goal members of both parties have concentrated on. Currently, female representatives make up about 28% of the 435 House members, with Democratic women holding roughly three times the number of seats as GOP women.”