“The Untold Story of ‘Russiagate’ and the Road to War in Ukraine; Russia’s meddling in Trump-era politics was more directly connected to the current war than previously understood.”

Jim Rutenberg for NYT Magazine: Putin’s assault on Ukraine and his attack on American democracy have until now been treated largely as two distinct story lines. Across the intervening years, Russia’s election meddling has been viewed essentially as a closed… Continue reading

“Election denier Mark Finchem’s sleeper campaign closes in on MAGA prize; The Oath Keeper hoping to run Arizona’s elections is getting outspent 40 to 1 and makes few press or campaign appearances. He still might pull it off.”

WaPo reports: The stakes are enormous, as it would elevate Finchem to second in line of succession for governor andhand himthe power to upend how elections are run in a key swing state that decided the 2020 election… Continue reading