More on FEC and Commissioner Mason

Following up on this post, a reader writes:

    “So clearly Commissioner Mason didn’t always stray from a party line vote. The idea that he’s a Democrat in disguise is ridiculous.”
    Well, that’s true, but the compromise the FEC is based on is that half of the commissioners are chosen by Democrats, and half by Republicans. Not that half are Democrats chosen by Democrats, one a Republican
    chosen by Democrats, and two Republicans chosen by Republicans. Attempting to dictate to Republicans who one of the Republican members will be is a clear violation of the compromise. That makes it four Democratic *choices* to two Republican *choices*.
    Mind, as a member of a third party, I don’t find the compromise to be much of a compromise. But to the extent it is, the Democrats are clearly violating it.

I agree with much of this. A claim that this is simply a Republican prerogative would be more defensible than the claim that Mason is really a closet Democrat. But given the proximity in time to the Sen. McCain controversy, Republicans probably felt some explanation (other than trying to help their candidate) was in order.

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