Can’t wait to participate in this event (and I’ll be posting my symposium paper soon), with a great lineup:
The William & Mary Law Review and the William & Mary Election Law Program are pleased to present the 2017 Law Review Symposium
2020 Redistricting: Mapping a New Political Decade
February 17-18, 2017
William & Mary Law School, Rm. 119
Fifty years past Baker v. Carr, the historic decision enshrining the principle of “one person one vote,” we remain surprisingly unsettled in our approach to political representation. To wit, even after five cycles of decennial redistricting since the height of the Civil Rights Movement and passage of the historic Voting Rights Act, racial implications of redistricting in this country remain intensely complex and contested. Cases involving redistricting appear before the U.S. Supreme Court with regular frequency. This symposium will explore the most pressing issues facing line drawers in the 2020 redistricting round—from the fate and promise of independent redistricting commissions to racial justice and redistricting to basic principles of political representation and one person one vote. How should states sort political power? What role should the federal government have in policing lines? What is the impact of technological sophistication on the fairness of the redistricting process? What will be the biggest challenges (and opportunities) in the upcoming 2020 round? This symposium seeks to lay a definitive academic foundation for the country’s next stab at the maps.
Scheduled panelists include
Bruce Cain (Stanford)
Wendy K. Tam Cho (Illinois)
Guy-Uriel Charles (Duke)
Chris Elmendorf (UC Davis)
Joseph Fishkin (TX)
Edward Foley (Ohio State)
Rebecca Green (William & Mary)
Richard Hasen (UCI)
Dale Ho (ACLU)
Michael Kang (Emory)
Pamela Karlan (Stanford)
Ellen Katz (Michigan)
Justin Levitt (Loyola)
Rep. Jamin Raskin D-MD
Nick Stephanopoulos (Chicago)
Daniel Tokaji (Ohio State)
Franita Tolson (Florida State)
Emily Zhang (Stanford)
This event is free and open to the public. Please email [email protected] for details.