“Voting Machine Mess Can’t Just Be Fixed by Congressional Bills”

Norm Ornstein has written this Roll Call oped. It concludes: “What to do? Frankly, we can’t count on Congress to solve the problems, at least in the foreseeable future. We need a patriotic intervention by Steve Jobs and his talented team at Apple, the geniuses who created intuitive, user-friendly, reliable and elegant successes like the iMac, the iPod and the iPhone, or by Eric Schmidt and his brilliant team at Google. Voting machine technology is not inherently intricate or technologically difficult. For a relatively small investment, Apple or Google could certainly create a voting machine that would be reasonable in price, easy to use, able to handle the long and often complicated ballots, easy to keep from hacking, and able to produce a clean paper ballot to be optically scanned, counted and preserved. If Apple or Google –or both–stepped up to the plate to give us the iVote or Voogle, they could save the credibility of American democracy.”

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