You can read it here. A snippet on the Purcell issue:
Equally remarkably, Plaintiffs assert that the risk of “voter confusion,” Purcell v. Gonzalez, 549 U.S. 1, 4–5 (2006), favors them. Resp. 19–20. The injunction revised laws have been on the books for years. Yet Plaintiffs suggest that, after the district court issued a 119-page opinion on a recent Friday evening and a few newspapers wrote about it, Wisconsin’s voters adjusted—virtually overnight—to the new judicially imposed electoral system. Resp. 14–15 & n.10. And, apparently, those same voters disregard the many official State forms and websites that presently reflect the rules as enacted by the Legislature, see Mot. 14–16. This is not credible.
What about the announcements of early voting dates based on the injunction?
Update: Here’s some guidance from Wisconsin election officials sent today, after some jurisdictions have already set early voting dates.