Law and Political Process Panels at APSA

Bruce Cain and I, continuing the tradition of Dan Lowenstein, have organized two panels for the APSA meetings coming at the end of the month.  Here they are:


Buckley v. Valeo at 40: New Thinking, New Directions on Campaign Finance

Thu, September 1, 8:00 to 9:30am, Marriott, Room 414

Session Submission Type: Author meet critics

Session Description

Forty years ago, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of Buckley v. Valeo, allowing some but not all limits on campaign financing in U.S. elections. In more recent years, including in the 2010 case of Citizens United v. FEC, the Court has moved in a deregulatory direction. What is the future of campaign financing in the U.S.? Do reform attempts lead to increased political polarization? Should the Court reconsider whether equality is a compelling reason for reform? This panel considers recent works and new directions in campaign finance law, including La Raja and Schaffner’s “Campaign Finance and Political Polarization,” Hasen’s “Plutocrats United,” and Drutman’s “The Business of America is Lobbying.”

With Guy Charles (chair), Rick Hasen, Ray LaRaja, Brian Schaffner, Lee Drutman, Diana Dwyre, and Joel Gora


Redistricting After Evenwel: The Prospects for One Person, One Vote

Sat, September 3, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott, Room 410

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Session Description

In Evenwel v. Abbott, the Supreme Court turned back to the question of what the “one person, one vote” rule means. Should districts be equalized on the basis of population, (registered or eligible voters) or should states have discretion in choosing the right denominator for drawing legislative and congressional districts. What are the partisan and political ramifications of the Court’s choice? How will the Court’s choice affect minority representation. This roundtable looks the the past, present, and future of the one person, one vote rule.

With Bruce Cain (chair), Joey Fishkin, Luis Fraga, Jonathan Katz, Taeku Lee, Nate Persily, and Douglas Smith

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