Fascinating Legislation Issue in Controversy over $10 Million Earmark

This NY Times report focuses on what is interesting news to many readers: a local government turning down federal money. “It is not often that a local government tries to turn down $10 million in federal construction money. But then it is not every day that an Alaska congressman surprises a Florida community with the gift of a highway interchange that just happens to abut the property of a major political fund-raiser.”
But to me, the more interesting aspect appears later in the story: “Adding to the intrigue, a researcher commissioned by Ms. Johnston said Mr. Young had added the earmark for the interchange to a transportation bill after both chambers of Congress had approved it, at a time Congressional aides were cleaning up the bill for President Bush’s signature.”
Kosher? TPMmuckraker reports “Experts Question Legality, Ethics Of Young’s Earmark.”
Hopefully, this post won’t lead to another obscene gesture by Rep. Young.

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