“‘This is a goldmine.’ Emails shed some light on 2004 GOP challenger programs”

Michael Slater has this post on the vote caging memos at Project Vote. A snippet: “A second email chain, with the subject line of ‘Voter Reg Fraud Strategy Cal’” shows high level staff with the RNC and Bush-Cheney ’04 coordinating discussions of challenger procedures with state Republican Party officials in Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania. (Exhibit 7) Among the 12 suggested participants for the conference calls are 3 who would go on to play a role in the American Center for Voting Rights: Mark (Thor) Hearne, Jim Dyke and Jill Holtzman Vogel. A fourth, Tim Griffin, would be appointed US Attorney for Arkansas but would step down as his role in developing the RNC’s challenger program drew scrutiny. A fifth, Caroline Hunter, would be appointed to the US Election Assistance Commission.”
I knew Commissioner Hunter had worked for the RNC. But I was unaware of Commissioner Hunter’s involvement in this controversy. If there is anything else out there on her role, please let me know.

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