“Jefferson staters keeping up their fight”

San Diego Union Tribune:

Baird is a leader of the ongoing effort to carve out rural northern California counties (and in past proposals, some southern Oregon counties, also) into the 51st state of Jefferson. The idea got a burst of attention in 2014 when Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tim Draper tried (and failed) to place on the ballot a measure that would break California into six states, one of which would have been called Jefferson.

But while the attention faded away, the Jefferson movement – the continuation of an effort that got its start in the World War II era – has plugged along. Baird was here to present “declarations” from 15 of California’s 58 counties calling for withdrawal from California. The group held a rally on the west steps of the Capitol.

Those petitions – some approved by majorities of boards of supervisors, others comprised of signatures from local voters – were dropped off at the Legislative Counsel’s Office, where they will no doubt be duly ignored from legislative leaders.

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