Now it’s even easier for candidates and their aides to help super PACs, Matea Gold, WaPo (“The Federal Election Commission has quietly given the green light to federal candidates who want to solicit contributions for super PACs by meeting in small groups — so small that there can be just two other people in the room.”)
Democrats Praise Virginia Court Settlement in Voting Rights Case, Maggie Haberman, NYT (“The settlement, hammered out in a consent decree by the United States District Court in the Eastern District of Virginia in the case, rules that there will be major changes by the state Board of Elections and Department of Elections to lay out guidelines about how to handle paper ballots in the case of machine breakdowns, and finding solutions to help local boards with the issue of long lines. In some cases, there have been reports of voters waiting hours before casting their ballots.”)
Democrats Force U.S. House Candidate to Change Name on Ballot, Texas Tribune (“South Texas voters will no longer be able to choose a Ruben Hinojosa to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Ruben Hinojosa.”)
New move to block Hawaii tribal nation (UPDATED), Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSBlog (“A group of Hawaiians challenging the move to set up a new “native Hawaiian” nation within the state returned to the Supreme Court Tuesday, seeking an order to hold the organizers in contempt and further orders to stop the entire process toward establishing sovereignty….The motion was filed with the full Court and, like other motions, it will go to the full Court for consideration at a future Conference. It is not being treated as an emergency matter with a single Justice having authority to resolve it.”)
Cruz defends Alabama’s DMV closures, drawing fire from the Clinton campaign, Dave Weigel, WaPo (“It’s not surprising to see a Democrat like Hillary Clinton coming in and attacking states, particularly Southern states,” Cruz said. “Frankly, it’s a bigotry from the Democrats. They look down on the Southern states like we’re a bunch of hicks. Look, I’m from Texas and Hillary Clinton is not a big fan of my state either. We don’t need more politicians from Washington looking down on us like a fly-over company. We’ve had seven years of a president who looks down on the American people. Hillary Clinton thinks we’re just a bunch of ignorant rubes, and we need to be governed by what she deems as moral and philosophical betters. I think that’s complete nonsense. I believe in the American people.”)
Best and Worst Moments of 2015 for Money in Politics and Voting Rights, Campaign Legal Center
Bernie Sanders Criticizes Hillary Clinton on Health Care and Campaign Finance, NYT
Mystery Surrounds Writer’s Name, Las Vegas Review Journal (“After weeks of speculation on social media and more than one fake Twitter account created in Clarkin’s name, public records point to one man behind the mystery: Michael Schroeder, manager of News + Media Capital Group LLC, which bought the Review-Journal early this month. Schroeder’s middle name is Edward. California marriage records show his father, Clarence J. Schroeder, married Karen A. Clarkin in 1957. Michael Schroeder was born in November 1958. Reached Wednesday at his Connecticut office, Schroeder would not confirm his mother’s maiden name, nor would he comment on whether he was, in fact, Clarkin.”)