I am moving them off the Sidebar as I spruce things up around here.
History Gives Clue as to Chief Justice Roberts’ Thinking on New Obamacare Case, L.A. Times, Nov. 12, 2014
The Supreme Court’s Gerrymandering Conundrum, Slate, Nov. 11, 2014
Lousy Judgment: This Year’s Scary Election Ads Will Destroy Any Lingering Confidence in the Judicial Branch, Slate, Oct. 31, 2014 (with Dahlia Lithwick)
Messing with Texas Again: Putting It Back Under Federal Supervision, Talking Points Memo, Oct. 30, 2014
A Call to Expose the Unnecessary Secrets of the Supreme Court, National Law Journal, Oct. 27, 2014
Dawn Patrol: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s critically important 5 a.m. wake-up call on voting rights, Slate, Oct. 19, 2014
How to Predict a Voting Rights Decision; The Supreme Court just made it harder to vote in some states and easier in others, Slate, Oct. 10, 2014
The Voting Wars Heat Up: Will the Supreme Court allow states to restrict voting for partisan advantage?, Slate, Sept. 29, 2014
Just Politics: Just because politics can be ugly doesn’t make it a crime, Slate, Aug. 18, 2014
Bad Readers: The judges who ruled against Obamacare are following Scalia down a terrible path of interpretation, Slate, July 23, 2014
Here’s $20 Million for Your Candidate: The Scott Walker case could shred the remaining limits on influencing elections, Slate, June 20, 2014
Exorcising the Voter Fraud Ghost, Reuters Opinion, April 30, 2014
Change the Constitution in Six Easy Steps?, Daily Beast, April 20, 2014
Thomas Alone on Campaign Finance?, Los Angeles Daily Journal, April 8, 2014
How to Reverse a Supreme Court Attack on Democracy: Fight for Voting Rights, The Guardian, April 8, 2014
Opening the Political Money Chutes, Reuters Opinion, April 7, 2014
Die Another Day: The Supreme Court takes a big step closer to gutting the last bits of campaign finance reform, Slate, April 2, 2014
How ‘the next Citizens United’ could bring more corruption — but less gridlock, Washington Post, February 21, 2014
The New Conservative Assault on Early Voting, Slate, February 10, 2014
Eye on the Courts: 2014 Will Be a Pivotal Year for Voting Rights, TPM, January 9, 2014