Unclear Who Received the Email from Von Spakovsky

In this post, I noted that it appeared from the email posted by McClatchy that the Democratic EAC commissioners did not receive the email from von Spakovsky complaining about Moritz getting the contract to do the voter id study. The Brad Blog has now posted the following update: “McClatchy’s Greg Gordon writes to say that he believes that all of the commissioners, not just the Republican ones, were CC’d on the emails in question, but that those CC’s somehow ended up on a second page and didn’t get included when they created their PDF’s of the actual emails. Due to the holiday weekend, unfortunately, he won’t be able to try to find them in order to check for sure until next week at earliest. But he wanted us to note that there is a question about whether or not all of the EAC commissioners were actually CC’d, and to note his recollection that they were, at least on some of the notes. We’ll update further if we can learn definitively one way or the other.”

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