A New Way to Read the Election Law Blog

Before today, the easiest way to read the Election Law Blog was simply to point your browser here. Those who use news readers/aggregators (Google offers a very easy one to use) can have Election Law Blog headlines appear on a custom-designed page using this feed. Subscribers to the election law listserv receive my election law related posts most mornings (along with a host of posts from a number of the other 750+ subscribers to that list), and subscribers to the Legislation list receive my Legislation law related posts (far fewer of these, and sent infrequently).
Thanks to Feedblitz, I can now offer another option. On the right side of the blog, you can find a box to fill in your email address and click on “Subscribe me.” Early each morning you will receive an email with the headline and beginning of all of my blog posts from the past 24 hours. You can click on the link in the email to see the entire blog post. For a sample email, see here.
I hope readers find this additional service useful. Please send me an email with feedback. Thanks for reading.

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