Foreign Donors and No Disclosure Mark Rules for Raising Funds for Presidential Libraries

This report in the NY Daily News talks about fundraising for President Bush’s library: “Eager to begin refurbishing his tattered legacy, the President hopes to raise $500 million to build his library and a think tank at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Bush lived in Dallas until he was elected governor of Texas in 1995. Bush sources with direct knowledge of library plans told the Daily News that SMU and Bush fund-raisers hope to get half of the half billion from what they call ‘megadonations’ of $10 million to $20 million a pop.”
The proposed ethics bill, H.R. 4682, includes a section, 801, requiring disclosure of funding for such libraries, but it does not limit amounts that may be given, nor does it prohibit unlimited contributions from foreign nationals even while a president is still in office.
Thanks to a reader for bringing this issue to my attention.

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