New Book on Democracy and Election Law in Austrlia

Colin A. Hughes and Brian Costar have written a new book in the UNSW “Briefings” series, Limiting Democracy: The Erosion of Electoral Rights in Australia. Colin, the dean of Australia’s election law scholars, was extremely helpful to me a few years ago when I visited that country to see what lessons the U.S. could learn from Australia’s system of election administration. The irony is that much of this book appears to be focused on the influence of U.S. election administration on Australia. From page 7 of the introduction: “As Australian political parties and interest groups have increasingly adopted American election campaign methods – negative advertising, excessive expenditure, direct mail, electronic databases and push polling – so too have some of their members developed an enthusiasm for elements of US electoral law. We argue that this is a most undesirable development which, in the interest of Australian representative democracy, needs to be resisted.” I very much look forward to reading this short book.

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