“Roberts and Alito Misled Us”

In Sunday’s Washington Post Outlook section, Sen. Edward Kennedy has written this commentary. A snippet: “A few examples help illustrate how the confirmation process failed the American people. During Roberts’s hearing, I asked him about his statement that a key part of the Voting Rights Act constitutes one of ‘the most intrusive interferences imaginable by federal courts into state and local processes.’ In response, he suggested that his words were nothing more than an ‘effort to articulate the views of the administration . . . for which I worked 23 years ago.’ Today — too late — it is clear that Roberts’s personal view is the same as it was 23 years ago. In League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry , the Supreme Court held that Texas’s 2003 redistricting plan violated the Voting Rights Act by protecting a Republican legislator against a growing Latino population. Roberts reached a different view, concluding that the courts should not have been involved and that it ‘is a sordid business, this divvying us up by race.'”

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