Another Answer on Arizona

In response my earlier post on why liberals joined Justice Scalia in the Arizona case, a longtime reader writes:

“I’m open to other ideas.”
They won in the immediate instance, and that’s all they cared about.
Liberals don’t care about stare decisis, conservatives do. So any victory liberals win is carved in stone, any victory conservatives win is written in the sand. Nothing in the decision the liberals dislike will stand if they get a fifth liberal vote. So, why should they care? It was a meaningless scrap tossed to the conservatives to buy the win.
Arizona will follow this “roadmap”, and find every step of it contested, to run out the clock until one of the conservatives croaks, and five liberals completely re-write every temporary victory the conservative majority ‘won’, not just on this, but campaign censorship, the RKBA, every bit of it.
They have no respect for precedent, so they can make deals never meaning to keep them. That’s my explanation.
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