“Local Ballot Initiatives: How citizens change laws with clipboards, conversations, and campaigns”

Leslie Graves of the Lucy Burns Institute sends along the following:

I thought you might be interested in a publication we just released: Local Ballot Initiatives: How citizens change laws with clipboards, conversations, and campaigns. It provides an overview of how individual citizens can use the initiative process at the local level.
Only 24 states allow for statewide initiative and referendum, but 48 states have at least one city that allows ballot initiatives to decide city issues and laws.

In addition to the guide, we’ve researched the laws in each state and have made all of the information available on Ballotpedia.org. People can click on their state and learn about the various laws and regulations that govern the local ballot initiative process.

Similar information is available for every state.

The guide is available as a free download online, and readers who want a (free) hard copy snail-mailed to them can contact our Director of Communications at lauren.rodgers- at – lucyburns.org and just ask for one.


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