Let’s Declare Florida an Election Disaster Area and Bring in the Feds

It is worth pointing out how close we’ve come again to another meltdown.  CNN still has not called the race, though it is likely to be called soon for Obama.  (If so, Florida will be the only state I missed in my electoral college predictions.)

Think of all the problems in Florida: the on, again off again in-person absentee balloting in Miami Dade, put in place by local election officials against the wishes of the mayor to get around the cutbacks on early voting by the governor and legislature; the multiple ballot snafus in Palm Beach County; long lines in cites throughout the state; major problems in handling some absentee ballots; election officials in one county telling people that they could vote through the end of the day Wednesday.

Let’s declare Florida an election disaster area and bring in the feds.

UPDATE: Marc Caputo:

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, largely absent from the campaign trail, was highly unpopular before the election and will probably be even more so after it. His decision to sign an election law that cracked down on early voting was a major sore spot with tens of thousands of people who had to wait in seven-hour-long lines just to cast ballots.

The wait times were exacerbated by another aspect of Scott’s election law: A provision requiring that all proposed constitutional amendments be printed in full. It slowed voters down when they filled out their ballots and when they had to jam the multiple pages — at least five sheets — into the machines. Some machines malfunctioned under all the pressure, causing lines to back-up even on election night.


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