“Fixing the Game”

The NY Times offers this editorial on the leaked DOJ memos regarding Texas redistricting. On that topic, see also this Roll Call report (paid subscription required). A snippet:

    Tim Storey, redistricting analyst for the National Conference of State Legislatures, said it is difficult to predict the short-term or long-term fallout from the Post’s revelations about the Justice Department.
    Storey said the timing of the article is “an extraordinary coincidence,” considering that Congress is beginning to consider whether to renew Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which requires 16 states to have their Congressional boundaries pre-cleared by the Justice Department.
    But Storey noted that as a practical matter, the revelations change nothing unless the Supreme Court decides to hear appeals to the Texas redraw.
    “The re-redistricting in Texas has been litigated in numerous courts and on numerous grounds and so far has withstood the litigation,” he said.

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