Two New Brennan Center Reports

Via email, the Brennan Center was slated to release two election-related reports this week but has released them now due to Hurricane Sandy:

1.      Voting Law Changes: Election Update: New laws making it harder to cast a ballot in 2012 will affect far fewer than the 5 million citizens we predicted last year, our new report finds. Overall, laws in 14 states were reversed, blunted, repealed, or weakened.

“For the overwhelming majority of those whose rights were most at risk, the ability to vote will not be at issue on November 6th,” the report reads. The study also details the fights still to come after November — in state courts, in statehouses, and in the U.S. Supreme Court….

2.      Recount Rules: Will we even know who won on election night? With an increasingly tight presidential race, it’s clear the election could come down to just a few thousand votes in key states. Reports already indicate a nightmare scenario in Ohio, with a new law stating provisional ballots may not be counted until at least Nov. 17. Similar requirements in other states may be an issue on or after Election Day as well. …

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