A Reader Complaint About Obama Campaign’s Credit Card Policies

A regular reader (who also regularly disagrees with me) sends along the following comment:

Rick, I’m a bit curious: Is it that you don’t believe the story about Obama’s credit card processing software being set to accept donations under names and addresses that don’t match the card used? (You should, I tested it myself. You could prove it yourself with a few minutes effort.) Or is it that you just don’t give a damn? This matter is very troubling to me: A major candidate for President, already holding the office, is, for the second time, deliberately (It required over-riding default settings.) managing his collection of donations in such a way as to facilitate violations of campaign finance laws. You know, the guy who’s job description is “seeing the law faithfully executed”? And the media won’t bother to report it, and people who make a big fuss about these sorts of laws just blow it off. I might think some of these laws foolish, and some of them even unconstitutional, but deliberate lawlessness on the part of candidates for public office ought to be worth reporting, and caring about.

From what I’ve seen of campaigns and audit, I have a hard time believing that the Obama campaign (or any other presidential campaign) which I have seen has been taking steps to affirmatively encourage taking illegal donations (either from foreign sources, or other prohibited sources).  But I thought I would post this because I do receive fairly frequent complaints on this issue.  (I should add that I have not verified that the software has been set in any special way, or that this can facilitate fraud.)  And if there is something worth investigating, now the word is “out there” and people can investigate.

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