More Ado about Pew

Bob Bauer weighs in here. Ryan Sager responds to my earlier post here, here, and here. UPDATE: Sean Treglia has issued the following statement:

    “I apologize to The Pew Charitable Trusts and all the grantees who worked with me that my statements have caused so much confusion. The remarks being highlighted by some media are a small portion of a much larger panel presentation to top tier journalists on the history of philanthropy in the United States. I might be guilty of being hasty and choosing confusing language in my speech in an attempt to excite the crowd; me delivering a bad speech at a conference however is a far cry from Pew purposely trying to deceive. At no time in my experience with the Trusts did anyone attempt to hide, deceive or lie and I am surprised and saddened that my presentation has led some people to draw that conclusion.”

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