I am pleased to announce two new features coming to the Election Law Blog.
First, I will have occasional guest bloggers who will spend a week visiting on the blog and writing about a forthcoming or recent election law article or book (along the model of the postings John Matsusaka and I recently did on the Volokh Conspiracy). The first guest blogger writing about forthcoming work is Michael Kang, Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Law at Emory. Michael will be writing about his forthcoming Virginia Law Review article, The End of Campaign Finance Law. There will be other guest bloggers coming up in the next few months. I will highlight pieces I find the most important, interesting, or provocative. It will by no means be comprehensive.
Second, Bob Bauer, who had blogged at his own “More Soft Money Hard Law” website before he went into government service, has agreed to write guest posts occasionally for this blog now that he’s returned to private practice. Bob’s postings, at least initially, will reflect on issues coming up in his NYU seminar, “Beyond Watergate–Development, Change and Conflict in the Law of Democracy.” Bob’s academic voice is always interesting and important. In the past, when Bob posted on his own site, I would sometimes respond on this blog. I hope to continue the dialog with Bob, when appropriate, by responding his posts on this blog.
As always, I welcome emails from readers with suggestions for improving the blog and with reflections on these changes.