“Ed FitzGerald says Cuyahoga will fight back”

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Some critics have accused Husted of attempting to suppress the vote in large urban counties.

Fitzgerald contends Cuyahoga’s vote by mail system should be emulated and not challenged, and feels any move to prohibit the processing of applications would disenfranchise voters and create confusion.

FitzGerald said he will ask Cuyahoga County Council to approve the mailing of absentee ballot applications to every registered voter, rather than have the county’s Board of Elections do the mailing. Council is expected to approve the request during Monday night’s meeting. Sunday evening Husted responded in a press release.

“Mr. FitzGerald’s accusations are laughable. “It is important that voters in all 88 counties be given equal access to a ballot and I will work to uphold that standard, even in the face of rogue actors like Mr. Fitzgerald. “Let me provide reassurance and be perfectly clear, every legal absentee ballot application received by boards of elections will be processed and a ballot will be sent.”

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