A Note About Guest Bloggers

Rick Pildes has just put up a terrific guest post on this blog about the John Edwards case–Rick’s even more skeptical than I am about the prosecution’s case.

The new blogging platform, WordPress, makes it much easier for guest bloggers like Rick to post directly on the blog (rather than have me post for them under my name).  I bring this up because it will be more important to pay attention to the byline of posts.  You’ll see the author of each post at the top of the post.  When Dan Tokaji or Justin Levitt fill in as regular guest bloggers when I’m unable to blog for an extended period, you’ll see their names too.  Look for other guest bloggers in the future.

Also on the issue of blog appearance: most comments on the new format have been positive, though one reader calls the blue color of the headlines “jarring” and another said my overall design was “Bolshevik.”  I guess you can’t please everyone!


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