What’s Happening with the Norm Eisen Nomination to Be Czech Ambassador? Could It Be a Recess Appointment?

The last word was that the nomination of the Obama administration’s ethic’s czar was on hold by Senator Grassley. I’ve found no reporting in the U.S. papers, but today there was a report in a Czech newspaper. Trying to make sense of the article using Google translate is a frustrating experience:

    It is necessary to mention one important thing. Senators are in the U.S. Congress will do as little kings. For each state, regardless of the population only two. Just one of the senators were, total hundreds of stalls, and the nomination of the ambassador is a big problem. Senator Grassleyho Czech Radio reporter asked to interview more than fifty times by phone, e-mail and, ultimately, a direct visit to the office. After about two months, agreed to speak on the phone.
    His negative attitude toward the nomination explained by Norman Eisen testify honestly and sincerely to the Senate committee, where he said the release explained. While this is not related to foreign policy and the Czech-American relations have not at all. But for Senator Grassleyho is an insurmountable obstacle. It will therefore continue to nominate Norman Eisen ambassador in Prague?
    “Yes,” came the reply brief Senator Grassleyho. Although the President may temporarily appoint ambassadors, not only against the will of one senator, but even against the will of the majority. But it is a lengthy and painful conflict with lawmakers scramble.

Does this mean a recess appointment is in the works? Whatever else may be said about this translating tool, I certainly love this line: “Senators are in the U.S. Congress will do as little kings.”

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