Election Law Journal 9:4, the Lowenstein Festschrift Issue, Now Available; Preview of ELJ 10:1

You can now view the Table of Contents for ELJ 9:4, which includes the Lowenstein festschrift issue, at this link. This is the last issue that Dan Lowenstein and I have co-edited. We have many people to thank, and some reflections about the first nine years of the Journal, in our “Party Line” editorial, which you can read without a subscription at this link. It has been a pleasure serving as co-Editor with Dan, and I will look back fondly on our longtime collaboration.
Look for ELJ 10:1 in February with new co-Editors Paul Gronke and Dan Tokaji featuring Jason Karlawish, Charlie Sabatino, Deborah Markowitz, Jonathan Rubright, Ellen Klem, and Robert Boruch on mobile polling for people in long-term care; Nathan Monroe and Dari Sylvester on vote-by-mail; and Toby James on electoral reforms in the U.K. The issue will also include book reviews by Dick Engstrom, Bruce Cain, Gillian Peele, and Doug Chapin, as well as a parting message from ELJ’s outgoing co-editor Dan Lowenstein
Table of Contents for ELJ 9:4
The Party Line
Daniel H. Lowenstein, Richard L. Hasen


Introduction to Lowenstein Festschrift
Adam Winkler

Foundational Wisdom: The Scholarship of Daniel Lowenstein
Bruce E. Cain

Campaign Finance Disclosure 2.0
Richard Briffault

The Dilemma of Direct Democracy
Craig M. Burnett, Elizabeth Garrett, Mathew D. McCubbins

Partisanship, Public Opinion, and Redistricting
Joshua Fougere, Stephen Ansolabehere, Nathaniel Persily

Thinking about Minority Political Influence: Did Georgia v. Ashcroft Get It Right and, If Not, Why Not?
Bernard Grofman

A Collective Dilemma Solved: The Distribution of Party Campaign Resources in the 2006 and 2008 Congressional Elections
Gary C. Jacobson

Aggressive Enforcement of the Single Subject Rule
John G. Matsusaka, Richard L. Hasen

Lowenstein Contra Lowenstein: Conflicts of Interest in Election Administration
Daniel P. Tokaji

Constitutional Restrictions on Touch-Screen Voting Computers in Germany
Greg Taylor

Documenting the Right to Vote and Electoral Reform
Robert E. Mutch, reviewing Thomas J. Baldino and Kyle L. Kreider, eds., Of the People, by the People, for the People: A Documentary Record of Voting Rights and Electoral Reform, Vol. 1: Foundations of the Modern Franchise, 1660-1959, and Vol. 2, The Development of the Modern Franchise, 1960-2009

Constitutional Solutions for Divided Societies
Matthew H. Baxter, Pradeep Chhibber, reviewing Sujit Choudhry, ed., Constitutional Design for Divided
Societies: Integration or Accommodation

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