Mark Kirk Mentions McCain-Feingold in Debate

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    First of all, I– helped– get through legislation to cancel the pension for any member of Congress convicted of a felony. And I think we should expand from the very limited– four felonies that Speaker Pelosi allowed to the full list of 21 felonies that are the public integrity felonies identified by the– by the Justice Department.
    We also need to end the earmark system, which has become horribly corrupt with– with– the– as we talked about, the Bridge to Nowhere, the rainforest– in Iowa, the Miss Texas museum, et cetera. Going forward, I think we need to have more transparency, especially on the– federal campaign side.
    I broke with my party early and backed the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation. Now we need to go further, and have all candidates disclose contributions within 24 hours on the internet. And for all of these groups that are helping out, my opponent and I, supposedly in this race, that we should have all of the donors disclosed.
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