ELJ 3:3 Table of Contents; Preview of ELJ 3:4

You can find the table of contents for the just released Election Law Journal Volume 3, Issue 3 here. (This is the special symposium issue on North American Election Law.)
Look for ELJ 3:4 in October, featuring John Fortier and Norm Ornstein on terrorism and presidential elections, William Mayer and Andrew Busch on frontloading primaries, Rick Hasen on Vieth and judicially manageable standards for gerrymandering, Jim Gardner on Vieth and the role of state courts in crafting judicially manageable standards, Michael Bailey on campaign finance reform, Eric Lane on New York City term limits, Rick Pildes reviewing Judge Richard Posner’s Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy, with a response by Posner, and Terri Bimes reviewing Chief Justice Rehnquist’s book on the contested 1876 election.
We welcome the submission of articles. A revised set of procedures for peer review submission appears here.

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