“Minnesota Supreme Court voids House Jan. 28 special election, rules Gov. Walz called it too soon”

CBS News:

he Minnesota Supreme Court on Friday canceled the special election for a metro House race later this month, finding Gov. Tim Walz set the date before state law requires.

The election was scheduled for Jan. 28 for House District 40B, after the DFL winner in November’s election didn’t appeal judge’s ruling that he didn’t live there and couldn’t serve. Early voting was already underway; now those ballots cast are voided and can’t be counted when the special election is eventually rescheduled, the Court said in its order.  

The Minnesota Republican Party and Minnesota Voters Alliance sued over the timing, arguing that state law is clear that if there’s a vacancy following an election, the governor must wait until 22 days after the first day of session to issue a writ of special election. Walz called the special election on Dec. 27, the same day Johnson said he wouldn’t take the oath of office.  

The Court agreed and said the election was scheduled “prematurely and therefore must be quashed.” An opinion will follow.  

This decision could extend House Democrats’ boycott of the 2025 session due to a power dispute over control of the chamber.  …

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