Jan. 28 Safeguarding Democracy Project Live and Online Event with Amy Gardner, Pam Karlan, and Stephen Richer: “Fair Elections and Voting Rights: What’s Ahead in the Next Four Years?”
The UCLA Law Safeguarding Democracy Project will be announcing its spring speaker series in January, but here’s our first event for you to put on your calendars:
Tuesday, January 28
Fair Elections and Voting Rights: What’s Ahead in the Next Four Years?
Register for the webinar here. In-person registration will open in January.Tuesday, January 28, 12:15pm-1:15pm PT Room 1327 at UCLA Law and online Amy Gardner, The Washington Post, Pamela Karlan, Stanford Law School, and Stephen Richer, Recorder of Maricopa County, Arizona (until Jan.1, 2025). Moderated by Richard L. Hasen (Director, Safeguarding Democracy Project)