New “Law & Democracy” podcast

I am very pleased to announce a new program that will be of interest to the Election Law world: The Law & Democracy Podcast.

The Law & Democracy Podcast is a public affairs conversation facilitated by the Election Law Program at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. The impetus and credit for launching this podcast goes to Tony Gaughan, who is visiting at Ohio State this year, assisted by Issrah Saleh, who manages the Election Law Program.

The podcast hosts features the Election Law at Ohio State team: Steve Huefner, Terri Enns, Anne Ralph, Tony, and me. We will be joined on a regular basis by leading scholars and journalists for an intelligent, informative, and nonpartisan discussion of law and democracy issues.

The Law & Democracy Podcast is currently available on the YouTube Channel and (as I understand it) will soon be available on Apple Podcasts as well. For more information and resources, visit Election Law at Ohio State. You can follow the Law & Democracy Podcast on X @lawanddemocracypod.

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