Over to Overton . . .

Thanks to Rick Hasen for allowing me to guest blog these past two weeks. It’s been a crazy time, with both historic and horrific things happening. Keeping track of it all has been exciting, if sometimes exhausting, which makes me appreciate Rick even more.

My dear friend Spencer Overton of GW Law School will be taking the reins of ELB for the next two weeks. Spencer is a treasure. A longtime leader in our field, he led the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies for almost a decade, before returning to GW Law last year.

On a personal note, I first met Spencer over two decades ago, when I was thinking about going on the law teaching market. We hadn’t met before, but when I reached out to him he couldn’t have been more generous. I’ll always be grateful, and look forward to his insights and perspective over the next couple weeks.

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